Thursday 4 October 2012

Audience - Demographics for benefit of industry

Audiences can be categorised in a variety of ways. These are age, gender, religion, ethnicity, class, wealth and education. These are categorised further by the A-E scale which uses wealth, employment and education to determine placements.
According to this scale, the audience of category A earn an average of £100k a year. B earn £50/60k. This and the C1 category tend to be graduates in employment, earning a minimum of £35k. The next two categories (C2 and D) are likely to be in training having obtained a school level education. The final category - category E - are considered to be NEETs (Not in Education, Employment or Training), students, retired or unemployed.

This scale is used for the benefit of the film industry. It allows them to target their product placement and marketing/promotion at a specific focus group. It also allows them to create a clear target audience.

Audiences can be categorised further by determining what attitude they have towards film. There are three primary categories audiences can fit into - TRADITIONALIST, HEDONIST and POSTMODERNIST.
Traditionalists tend to stick to one specific genre. Familiarity is key and they very rarely steer away from their favourites.
Hedonists can be described as the risk-takers of cinema goers. They have a keen interest in new ideas and technology, regularly seeking out films from new directors or ones that adopt the latest advances in film-making.
Postmodernists like seeing remakes of classic films. They are interested in familiar ideas being refreshed  and introduced to a new audience.
Within these categories there are two more audience types - PASSIVE and ACTIVE. Passive audience members tend to see films others want to see. They don't tend to offer suggestions, preferring to go along with the majority. Active audiences are the opposite of this.

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